Poetic Dan

No beef

Tonight was a meal for my parents boy

Belated birthday gathering of his family

As we walk, two men are about to kick off

Closer it seems to be just drunken talk

As we enter the loudness hits like bass

Only it\'s testosterone feeling the place

One look at me, with discomforting gaze

I choose to remove my spinning hat

A bakers dozen of egos lines my sight

Before we\'re ready to order there is a fight

Two more stand up rushing outside

I turn to the window to see a cut up face

All of them like school kids wanting get a  piece

To prove they are the baddest warrior amongst them

The energies of these people made it uneasy to eat

Not even being able to hear the person next to you

The choice was made to sing and cut the cake at home

As the rest finish up, I pop out for a smoke

To be confronted as I walk to the door

Two walking in, most drunken my side

I see him looking up, suggesting don\'t try

Proud as punch, I keep walking on

Dodging at the last moment so shoulders don\'t touch

A nood from one, door held for a tick, let\'s me know my movements didn\'t the trick

Once back in I\'m struck with the thought

If only a man was shown it\'s about more than what I see

True strength does not come with a closed fist

Drinking alcohol is not a competition of wits

It is possible to let go and let live

Because being a man is more than this

But if it is not and I have it wrong, I\'ll gladly not call myself a man at all.