Preciosa Martin



I found keys that helped me kissed my past

Keys that helped me feast on lights and sounds

Keys that helped me fast on the morbid, memories   of the past.

How I wish I can share these keys and make you rejoice with me,

Yes, I may look like I am all lost and my life a mess,

But my dear, your universe doesn’t care.

I’ll take you along and gently hold your hands

And show you the doors that my keys opened

You’ll be a part and a piece of the jigsaw puzzle

We may zig and zag but it doesn’t matter

Life is a tapestry , enjoy it’s mystery

Brighten , lighten the darkness inside out

Heavy loads, unimaginable, beyond man’s expectations

Stop, please stop carrying them alone

Come get your own keys and open your own doors

Share the endless, limitless opportunities and potentials

Let your heart speak up, blessed indeed, for you are divine.