
A Mother of a Daughter

There she was,

All dressed in pink,

From her head,

Down to her feet.

Her eyes are innocent,

With hues of blue.

Little heartbeats singing,

\"I love you\"

She will grow old,

She might forget

That you were there for her very first breath.

But no matter what,

Throughout the years,

You\'ll give her hope and she\'ll give you tears.

She will love you and hate you within the same day,

She will tell you to go and ask you to stay.

She will be your best friend and your least favorite cry,

She will teach you hello and tell you goodbye.

She will bring you sorrow and tears like rain,

She will compel you to scream and drive you insane

She will love you a great deal, but you\'ll love her more

Because you\'re her mother, and she is yours.