

Are you offended by my presence?

for I’m all that you\'re not,

Does my love flowing through your daughter

simply make you lose the plot.?


Does my strength of will nerk you

as I hold my head up strong?

Keeping silent isn\'t weakness,

I have a mighty tongue!


 Surely as sun rises or

 moonlight fills the sky,

my lights forever blinding

no matter what you try.


A hurricane can’t stop pure love

from growing in your child.

She’s not collateral damage

while you run around her wild.


You wont see us torn to shreds,

love lost, broken apart,

anguish, pain, sorrow

filling each and every heart.


You can stalk us for your pleasure,

 lying to all who hear,

but my soul is calm and loving,

making your white noise disappear.


Do our smiles cut deeper open wounds

that you can never heal.

You lost your chance to have

what now is my privilege to feel.


Out of love should always come goodness.

With goodness a true life.

I will always withstand storms

especially from you \"EX\" wife.


I see clearer with adversity

I will eternally stand up tall.

Every brick you tug away at

I will rebuild our family wall.


I will mark each day with laughter

surrounding all of us with fun,

there is no place you can harm us

My work here is never done.