

8/13/17 9:35 PM

\"Follow The Leader\" -Foxygen, 2017


I\'ve always hated hospitals

The antiseptic wall art

The beeping and booping and whirring

Death, languishing around every corner

The rush of overworked men and women in uniforms

The questioning


When I was in high school, I stood on the railing of a bridge by my house

Someone had to tackle me back to earth

That little flirtation with the precipice put me in observation for two nights

The men in white lab coats threatened to send me to a pill filled palace

A palace where they lock up the crazies, or the people who just don\'t understand any more


Since that night and that long day I can\'t step foot in places of supposed care without my heart racing

I look for the men in white lab coats

They\'re behind me, waiting to throw me in the loony bin

They know how broken I am, how I want so badly to go back in time

Back when I was one equilibrium push away from the edge

Back when I wasn\'t driving quite fast enough

Back when I would ride around with one hand on the wheel and the other on the seat belt latch

Just in case I saw a possible end coming

I could let go of the belt and be free


The men in white lab coats aren\'t there

Nobody in these places care beyond a clipboard

Yet when their beeping and booping and whirring

Turns into paddling and charging and calling

I can feel the glare of the men in white lab coats

Who only tried to help me beat my demons


Now, I keep one hand on the wheel and the other similarly placed

Burning cigarette after cigarette

My small suicides filling my lungs with tar

Still, I flirt with the precipice

Buying hammock straps to hold me up for the long sleep, and not just for a few nights


The men in white lab coats were right

I should have been locked away

I\'ll keep my small suicides for now

And focus on staying away from the precipice

No matter how attractive that void may be

No matter how sweet that deathly siren song is

No matter how many of my \"problems\" could be \"solved\"

I\'ll just lean on the railing, and light up another