


She is seen around the town,

Her family always in view.

So many jobs await her hands,

And I can name a few.


She had to rise before the sun,

To juggle all her task,

But she can always add one more,

You only have to ask.


Not only has she dressed herself,

She has fed and dressed her mob.

She has to take them all to school,

before going to her job.


After she finishes with her work,

It doesn\'t end her day,

Dinner awaits her helping hands,

And she picks kids up on the way.


After dinner, the table cleared,

She would love to go to bed.

But she is asked to give her help,

And homework calls instead.


And when the family gets together,

Her input is always desired.

She wants to tell you what she thinks,

But she is way too tired.


(c) 2017 Edward York