
Empty picture frames

I remember being an empty picture frame
All was blank until you came.

Everyday I was wide awake.
Not a sight to see not a capture to take.

Everyday was all the same.
Just emotions through life, with no life to frame.

Just that one colorful day
Looking back now it seems kind of Cliche

Each moment was a portriat to display
The sound of your voice had led me astray.

From those damed empty picture frames.

The feelings of your hands made me shutter.
Like my camera lens as the film piled in.

Day by day
The smiles were no longer a pose

In fact Empty, now lives in the shadows
Behind my filled pictures and portfolios.

Life is chaotic , it cannot be composed.

An endless array of colors
And like no other

You plant thoughts in my mind
They grow into forests painted as messy lines

Binding my thoughts to you.

With regard to Jeremy.

My subject from out of the blue.