


The valley down below -freeze framed,
Slumbering under a blanket of mist,
Tree tops bubbling through
Like goose bumps on her skin,
Start of another day dreaming on,
Each branch, leaf and fruit bows low
In deference to her magical touch,
Animal kingdom hushed - she sleeps!
Stillness - a potent spell- cast over all
Quiet - Life on pause!
A collective breath in Dawn\'s score
Jewel encrusted carpet rolled out,
Like expectant parents we wait,
The river - a meandering scar of silver beauty
Dividing the valley floor, looking glass perfect,
The narrow boat silently cuts the surface,
The quiet takes your breath away-
Robs your voice lest you speak out loud,
Day teases night into submission
Under her blanket of mist she stirs
Throwing off her misty cloak
Dawn is ready to face the world!