
Puzzle Box

What is the secret of this box

That promises pleasures so?

How can it be frozen in place with no locks?

Maintaining patience, as desire grows

For its content, no living man knows,

Curiosity over-powers reason

As his fingers trace the lines,

Committing reasonable treason,

Through wooden panels the light shines,

In the distance the church bell chimes.

Then the jingle of a familiar sound

Penitrates his ears

Chains cascading to the ground,

His desire turns to fear,

As the Angels from the Box appear.

The lead dressed in leather and covered in pins

Whispers deeply \"what is it you seek?\"

The time for pain is about to begin

What\'s left of his life, from his body will seep

Hell has opened up, take a peek.

Hooked chains tear flesh from flesh

For his lust has been denied

Pleasure through pain couldn\'t be more fresh

As the contents of the box is clarified

For the invitation of his Hellbound Heart, had been verified.