
The Dream

Misty enveloping music

Hanging dreamily in the air

Soft candle light infusing

The essence of her hair


Elegant long fingers bedecked

With diamonds and gold

Red ruby lips, a hint of perfume

She truly is a sight to behold


Eyes glittering below lashes from the gods

She smiles and whispers huskily ‘come to me’

Slowly pulling golden satin sheets open wide

Playfully revealing her nakedness for you to see


Your heart explodes, you forget to breathe

Desperately want to move with limbs like lead

Alabaster skin, a hint of unspeakable pleasure

It is all yours to love and hold, waiting on the bed


But you are paralyzed, motionless stuck in place

Her nakedness beckons, you cannot look away

She is beauty personified, bred to be gazed upon

A heavenly promise of lust, love, tenderness, and play


Your fingers are clammy, your forehead full of sweat

The air is heavy, breathing becomes a chore

With a jolt you sit up, a wild look in your eyes

It was just a dream, a fata morgana, and nothing more