
Star Trek Now.

“Beam up Scotty”, came the order.

There he was on his handset,

Talking to others throughout the Universe.

That handheld device,

That seemed so alien,

Back then.

But now they are everywhere,

You cannot go down the street

Without seeing people on them,

Talking to others,

Ignoring where they are,

Ignoring the world around them.


“Bones, I’ve hurt my arm”,

Came the plea.

So out comes a probe

And a ray goes over the hurt,

All is well again.

Again, such an alien device,

Back then,

But now it can be done,

That probe is here.


Had Roddenberry seen the future?

Seen the Universe as it was to become,

Seen technology at its best,

And at its worst.

Was he in the future on Enterprise?

Did he boldly go

To where no man

Had gone before?