Kevin B.

I give up....

I lay on my bed in the light of the TV

Whats on the screen, who cares nobodies look in my direction anyway.

no one to care, no one to help me feel, but I feel....I feel it all the anxiety the pain the stress..the loneliness....

what do I hear? The laughter and occasional sound of love in the next room as my roommate and girlfriend shut the door...and I realize that I\'m even more alone with my thoughts

i close my eyes and hope the voice doesn\'t come back...the voice we all hear...that whispers in ur ear \" just let one cares about\'re not good enough...they\'d be better off without you..\"

i listen to it and it gets stronger....I was on my feet and now I\'m crawling....crawling through the mud and dirt...through the pain and anxiety....but I\'m tired....I don\'t wanna crawl anymore....

i wanna give in.....I wanna give up...

and why not a bullets cheap....

why haven\'t I pulled the trigger?

thats easy...I don\'t want to have my friend to fix the ceiling after the bullet goes through it....