Accidental Poet

Life in the Rearview Mirror 101


Forever a curious student

In the classroom of life

Remember to do your homework

For the truth cuts like a knife


I see that now

Now that I’m middle aged

Regretful of meaningless battles

In my youth I boldly waged


“If I knew then what I know now”

Now the motto of Baby Boomers

Yes, we know it now

But we should have known it sooner


And life is a journey

Not a destination

The battles that raged within

Justification for hesitation


Looking back across the years

I search for understanding

The reasons why I took to

A senseless stubborn standing


But I was young then

Barely a care in the world

No direction in my mind

Except for one lovely girl


Now I’m much older

Ever aware of that rear view mirror

And every time I look I smile

For I always see her


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2011