Nicholas Browning

Sweet Tea

Time progresses,
Composing within us great wonder;
With rejoice and exaltation, we receive,
As a dark, thin mantle is laid over the consequence.


It has indeed, been a life worth living.
The tea you made, in summer,
While we drowned because of the warmth,
Is something I shall always remember.

Soothingly, remaining hopeful;
May you enjoy your days, however many, however small.
Bring fulfillment to a younger self\'s wishes.
What I plead for, this is all.

You see, my dear friends,
To confess this, I must try.
I am not here to exchange hellos -
I am here to say goodbye.

Oh, sweet Grandmother ~
Though you\'ve not been here long;
I\'ve loved you while you were with us,
And I will miss you when you are gone.