
Strings Of Sanity

Here i am in the darkness left in my own crazy thoughts.

The soft warm sheets hug me tight, and the heat kisses me passionately.

Everything is going to be okay, says the heart.

But wait, my brain says otherwise!

“You think you have it easy?”

“ I think not!” says the brain.

\"I hope you don\'t plan on sleeping tonight\" says the brain.

My stomach turns into World War II.

My heart turns into thinning strings waiting to be strung one last time.

“It’s your fault and you know it!” screams the brain.

The world crumbles, and so does my sanity.

“You know what you did”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You have to do better!” screams my brain.

“I’m trying my best!”

\"YOUR BEST IS NOT ENOUGH!\" the brain yells.

“I just want to sleep!”

The bright orange marble arose beneath the earth mocking my well being.

Another day has yet to come with only minutes to spare.

My heart takes over.

World War II has come to an end.

The thinning strings have thickened once more.

Are you satisfied now?

Are you satisfied now that you\'ve shot me down?

Are you satisfied that i have seen the monster within?

Are you happy now that you\'ve seen my breaking point?

Once more you taken me into an empty room and you’ve left me here with the never ending walls.

Once more you\'ve taken my sanity and you\'ve played with it like the thinning strings of what\'s left of my \"heart\".

Once more you’ve taken these thoughts and you carved into them like a slick marble waiting for its purpose to be fulfilled.

One more you’ve picked at my thoughts like the leftover veggies on a child’s plate and you’ve chewed them up and spit them out.

I hope you\'re happy because if never will be.