
Fading Substance

Show them, hold them ransom

To thy conceit, craving gapes, wild applause

To feed thy vanity absent which leaves thee bare


Replete with faux auras, hankering for more

All style, substance fading

Vacant shells roll on clonking, hollow


Growing emptiness, insatiably

High on self, low on all else

Fueling manic growth of voids


Inner tears roll on concealed

Streaking the soul’s cheeks

Grief belied by lionizing fans


Whose own vacuums solicit thy refills

All the while, substance goes begging

Craving fusion with thy essence


Lending meat to weary bones of self

Opening eyes, hitherto blinded

By venomous pride, walls of exclusion


Crumbling, at the mercy of thy pride’s chisel

Fecklessly claiming, the soul’s attention

Pride now vital, an existential must


Love not spared the ravages of pride

Now turned outside in

Ne’er inside out, for beloveds


To exult over thy highest blessing

Filling life with hunks of meaning

For joys to be soulful


And souls to be joyful

Melting away the gloom

Of Vanity’s seasons of toxic harvest


©Alwi Shatry, September 7, 2017