
Incomparable Inconceivabilities

Tune: Laus Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Isaiah 40 v.13-18


1. Who has the Spirit directed?

Who has taught Him, who Him led?

Who has been His counsellor sure?

That He should exalt you more?


2. With what humans took He counsel

That He without us should fail?

Cannot be thus, for He acts so

His own plans, will, does He know


3. None has taught Him judgement, learning

Nor knowledge any does bring

To Him, nor showed Him the right way

His own purpose clear as day


4. He almighty, none can compare

To His wisdom, none can bear

To see Him in full revealing

Yet Him praise we can Him bring


5. Behold, the nations so small are

He omnipotent by far

Nations as a drop in bucket

As mere dust of sand or grit


6. For see, He the nations up takes

As very little thing makes

Lebanon\'s forest, cedars tall

If burnt, shall not cover all


7. For they not sufficient to be

Used in burnt offerings, see

Nor there beasts enough to offer

To Him, we do all concur


8. For He is Lord, and all nations

All their daughters and their sons

Are as nothing, less than nothing

Vanity be everything


9. He the Lord incomparable

None is like Him, none at all

Yet we humbly here His people

May praise Him and on Him call