
One Year

It\'s been one year since we first met.
It\'s been one year of smiles, happy feelings, feelings of finally finding someone I want to get to know, to teach me things, to comfort, to laugh with, to share my day with.
It\'s been one year, but the days of sadness outweighs the good days. It\'s been one year of chasing. Unanswered texts.
It\'s been one year of being lied to, being taken advantage of and being left to look like a joke.
It\'s been one year of being the laughing stock of your friends. \"Poor her, she has no idea, how stupid is she?\"
It\'s been one year and that\'s too long for this pain, sleepless nights and letting someone make me feel the way I do.
I\'ll say goodbye to you today. Just so you don\'t have to. I\'ll forget about you one day, I may even forgive you and let you know that I will not hold any grudges and wish you well in your life.
But not today.
Today is the start of the rest of my life, just how I thought it was one year ago.