Adrianna Kjeld


Happiness cannot be found in the bottom of a bag of chips.., 
trust me I\'ve tried.

Happiness cannot be found in the bottom of a coffee cup at 7:45 in the morning..,
Haven’t we all tried?

Happiness cannot be found at the bottom of a bottle of wine, vodka, or that shitty beer your college friend told you about. Despite the illusion that it doesn\'t taste like piss, after you’re three drinks in..,
Trust me, your liver will hate you.

Happiness, on the other hand, can be found in fuzzy socks..,
Trust me. Just walk, slide, or glide.

Happiness can be found after a fruitful conversation with an old friend..,
Trust me, it doesn’t happen very often but it feels good, even though it\'ll come to an end.

Happiness can be found in the heart, in the mind when things are thought of optimistically..,
Give it a start.

Happiness is here and there, happiness ISn’t everywhere.