
Higher Love

Higher love


Searching for a advance relationship

No more basic

Because that level can leave you working hard for nothing

It seem like a never ending battle

that never seems to end

I came to build a foundation

I came to build a honest

Trustworthy loyal dependable relationship


You came to misuse and abuse play love games with me and yourself

Cheat lie and steal away someone else places


While you  are still on level one I\'am on the advance level

making a truthful life for myself


I want that higher love

and when I get it I’m gonna keep it

Higher love

Higher love

Higher love

I\'am shutting the door

on you no more of that crazy world


I want that higher love

and when I get it I’m gonna keep it

Higher love

Higher love

Higher love


I want that stability in life

That white picket fence

and when I get it I\'m gonna  keep it

Higher love

Higher love

Higher love


Don\'t waste your time knocking at this door

Because I relocated and there\'s no point of returning

My suggestion to you is to move on



I want that higher love

and when I get it I\'m gonna  keep it

Higher love

Higher love

Higher love