
Endless Love.

“I am useless!” she said,

The tears flowing down her face.

“I can’t do anything, can’t do anything for you”

She shouted through the tears.

These were the words that came to me

As I came into the room.

My wonderful wife

Sitting there in abject misery,

Her body was so weakened

That walking across the room

Was an effort.

Whose mind was losing to dementia.

These times of clarity brought home to her

An awful truth,

“Do you still love me?

Are you going to leave me?”

Were the questions

That kept hurting me.

I tell her I love he,r

I tell her I will always be with her,

But her mind cannot accept this.

She is scared,

Scared that I may go,

But in my mind

There is only one thing that I can do,

All I can do,

Is love her more.