
Social suicide

What happens when conversation dies,
Communication continues just no longer eye to eye.

Finger tapping approval from piers becomes the nessessity,
Here is what im about, im fun, please accept me.

Photos and images, screaming this is who i am,
Please like them and comment, Follow me on instagram.

Hashtags and screen grabs, Storys, videos and Memes,
But look beyond the filter0,s all is not as it seems.

But maybe im unique, an anomaly in the hive,
I prefer contact and interaction, feeling human and alive.

I care not for public approval, love or hate it, its just me,
Social media, consuming social lives, helped by technology.

The issue doesnt lie, in social media communication,
It actually provides a medium, of contact, worldwide, and across nations.

Overseas familys, sharing photos and memories,
Good news and announcements, marriages and pregnancies.

So much powerful potential, yet people tend to choose,
to chase popularity, and social media gets abused.

Personally i believe these people, arent truly satisfied,
with themselves, how they look, or their actual social lives.

But these are just my thoughts, im the minority in this case,
I prefer the old fashioned method, of communication face to face.

Seeing people smile and laugh, instead of emoji\'s and L.O.L,
Creating priceless memories, that you can touch, taste and smell.

Being that shoulder to cry on, instead of an inspirational quote,
That wasnt yours to start with, but still felt the need to post.

Telling someone you love them, instead of love heart follwed by BAE,
Holding hands and kisses on lips, going on dates and duvet days.

But expression is your freedom, communicate how you choose,
live you life how you see fit, Your own time is yours to lose!