Accidental Poet

Of Rhyme and Reason


Its not enough just to make a few lines of rhyme

But that the words take up more than just your time

To flow so naturally with reference

That it contain something of substance

For a waste of space

To nowhere it will trace

Listen of whispers within

A calling from where to begin

From your heart such passionate emotions

Words of expression to describe your devotions

Be it music that drives you to be lost in dance

Or the stroke of brush upon waiting canvas

A picture paints a thousand words

In the blink of an eye, a camera captures a silence heard

To an artist of passion, it is their duty

Compelled to share notions of beauty

In everyone lurks the need to express

Emotions locked inside will lead to useless stress

Open the doors to mind and heart

Let the passions within express your own beautiful art


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2004