
Reaping Revealings

Tune: Wir Pflugen

(\'We plough the fields and scatter\')

Revelation 14 v.14-20


I looked, behold, a white cloud

Revealed, and in unshroud

One sat upon this cloud, he was

Displayed majestic thus

Having on head a gold crown

And name of great renown

One like the Son of man He

Had sharp sickle, now see



Angel from the temple

Loud, loud, His message call

\'Thrust in your sickle, the earth reap

Harvest it, the good keep\'


Time for the earth to be reaped

E\'en seemed in evil steeped

But there good too, the harvest-tide

Fruits ripe it does provide

So he that on the cloud sat

Thrust in His sickle, that

The earth should then be reaped sure

The good gathered e\'ermore - Chorus


Then another angel

Who too had sharp sickle

Came out of temple, waits for

An angel from altar

This one had power o\'er fire

Having words solemn, dire

Spoke to angel with sickle

Who true did hear his call - Chorus


Said angel from the altar

Thrust in your sickle, stir

Yourself to gather earth\'s vine

For see this, this the sign

The grapes are fully ripe now

They must be reaped, and how

Righteous judgements of God known

Victory o\'er evil shown - Chorus