
My Baby Girl

Tiny yet strong little hand

Curled around my finger

Not inclined to let go

Trusting compelling eyes

With an impish smile

Obliterating any opposition

Pudgy little body holding sway

Over a large grown man

My baby girl


The budding teenager

Creating havoc in my life

Forever pushing the limits

Yet unable to diminish

Deeply buried feelings

Of fatherly love and urge

To hold her close

To protect and nurture

My baby girl


A grown beautiful woman

Leaving home to forge

Her own way in life

Cutting loose binding ties

My heart never letting go

Following her successes

And inevitable sorrows

Quietly from afar

My baby girl


Giving her away in marriage

Proud, happy for her, sadly

Fondly remembering the smile

So many years ago

Suppressing slivers of sorrow

Basking instead in the light

Of her happiness

Knowing she will always be

My baby girl