
Stupid Boy

You know those times you’re vulnerable,

And it hurts like hell to say,

‘I love you’ and ‘I am scared?’

Yeah, it’s how I feel today.

Looking at this cold hearted world

I wanted to take comfort

In knowing that you’re always there

And maybe you’ll be my consort.


I’m reaching, so why can you see?

My hand, my arm, my face?

Come, step closer dear,

Rescue me from this evil place.

See my tears? They drop so slow

And still it seems like time\'s sped up.

We grow apart, and the ties are torn

But I’ll give you my empty cup.

Fill me with your sweetness,

Your kind, gentle touch is all I crave.

A soft hello and longing goodbye

It’s more than the world ever gave.


Grace me with your sweet heart.

Let me hear it slowly beat.

It’s been so long since I’ve moved on

And I’m finally on my feet.

You don’t have to love me,

But please just let me in.

I’ll listen until my ears fall off

I’ll wait until time’s worn thin.


If you don’t I’ll still be strong.

I’ll wait and wait forever.

Knowing there’s always a chance

Of us being one, and perhaps together.

Trails are split and mine’s my won,

So give me one Last long warm embrace, and everlasting sorrow.

We’ll meet again my precious dear,

Even if it is farther than tomorrow.