Fay Slimm.



More Than.

Oh Light, you travel so fast,
invisibly cladding
this planet in change which
nothing can hinder,
altering colourless night-hue
you, in an eye\'s flick
gild sea\'s face, reveal distance,
and more than that
touch land in filigree-silver
melting black fingers
of mist, netting dune\'s grass
and more than that
your whispers to unfolding
flora in still-dark
corners make numberless
petals succumb
to your calls, sensuous fur
feels your warming
as feathery sleep blinks in
readiness to dawn\'s
breezy ruffles for morning
stirs wings, fins
stretch in watery beds and
more than that,
humanity worldwide yawns
at your warning
of lullaby\'s finish and shakes
off drowse to see
how labour for hours ahead,
can be a rewarding
force with daylight\'s ready
aid, more than that
each sunset aims to put end
to your daily
performance but not before
that glittering exit,
the show of best-rays taking
centre stage after
which Oh Light, you sink
slowly back into
your secret abyss and wait,
for more than
unthinkable would be life\'s
disastrous lack
if your worthy entrance it\'s
cue ever missed,
and for this, every earthling
human or otherwise
relaxes by offering praise
of meant thanks.
to Light and to its Creator.