
Waiting For You To See Me

*edited version


Can you see me

Can you see me

I\'m right here in front of you

I\'m right here in front of you

My defenses have long faded away

My defenses have long faded away


How hard can it be

Is it just not meant to be

Why do you continue to look right through

Will you continue to look straight through

Tell me what you want me to say

If only I knew the right words to say


What can I do to make you see

How can I make you see

How I long for you, if you only knew

To notice the things I do

That more than anything I just want you to stay

Are because I just want you to stay


I\'ll get down on my knees and plea

I\'ll get on my knees in a crying plea

If that\'s what it takes to be in your view

My pride gone from anyone\'s view

But it\'s all useless to my dismay

It all seems useless to my dismay


It will remain this way I foresee

Constantly all I can foresee

My heart continuously in pain all a skew

Is my heart in endless pain all a skew

While I wait for just one perfect day

Desiring for that unlikely day


When you finally decree

When you finally decree

Your eyes and heart now ring true

That your eyes and heart ring true

Baffled by the past with a promised future never to stray

You see me now and everything will be okay