O.G. Tone

The Castle ..!!!

Have you ever watched a scary movie

That has a old decrepit building?

Looks like a place for the criminally insane?

What if I were to tell you a little story about

San Quentin prison?

In how it fits that depiction!

I arrived @ San Quentin on August 12, 1997 @ 1:30 in the afternoon

I was 29!

I had 3 long years starring me in the face

I arrived on a all grey bus?

It had dark tinted windows with bars?

They called this the ... \"GREY GOOSE\"

You arrived with a orange paper jump suit on in paper or rubber slippers!

You pull inside these huge gates with razor bob wires

The gates close behind the bus?

Then I froze?

I panic like this is my fucken end!

This is the absolute worst day of my life!

I should have been wearing a wig in a purse I feel like I am fucked?

The ugliest building I had ever seen came with a Hurst?

What this meant to me was I wasn\'t going free

I was terrified but I never showed to be weak!

I wanted to be @ home in my own bed with my women?

But something I had to get use to not having

I had to get use to the screams?

The abuse of men?

Watching grown men cry

You can\'t use the phone when you first get their you have to earn that right

You also have to confine within your own race

Or its a holy war inside

Blacks against Mexicans, Mexicans against whites?

Their is know wrong or right in certain situations

You use what is known as a Shoot caller to make things right

He is a person to speak in your behalf in a conflict or fight?

Kind of like a home made referee with prison rights

You can\'t trust know one?

Trust yourself

Mind your own business in educate yourself

Learn what put you in prison?

How to get out in have a positive mission

Never return to the ...CASTLE?

That is my lesson?

It has been 20 years in I still have questions?

Why was I their