

I\'m only pretty when you put a filter over me.
I\'m only pretty when I have black eyelashes or darker eyebrows.
I\'m only pretty when I cover parts of my face with my glasses.
I\'m only pretty when I where baggy clothes to cover up the parts that are imperfect.
I\'m only pretty when my closest friends compliment me, because that\'s what friends are for.
I\'m only pretty, when I blur most of my face and put and insecure caption.
Why can\'t I be pretty all the time?
And if I try I\'m trying too hard so I\'m not pretty, I\'m just insecure.
I can\'t go out wearing a tank top because I show my bra or my shoulders.
I can\'t go out wearing a crop top because it shows my stomach which no one likes either apparently.
I can\'t go out wearing shorts that are above my finger tips because then I\'m just being slutty.
I can\'t wear makeup or I\'ll just look like I\'m trying to hard.
And I don\'t wear any I get called ugly or tired.
Why can\'t I be called pretty for looking like how I want?