

Can you hear it?

Louder than this pounding in our hearts

So indescribable, I don’t know where to start

A flowing beauty within its simplicity

Carving out a future too bright to see



Rising higher than the wind’s howls

Berating our rage’s growls

Soothing all forgotten sorrows

Gifting a joy we can only borrow

With a voice soft and fierce

A whisper and a roar

Our souls it shall pierce

As our spirits begin to soar


A sound so deafening, it cannot be heard

Yet more than silence and the song of a bird

Hope is its message, brought forth on dreams

And it is…

The sound of the rocks being beaten by the shore

The sound of the innocent left to survive a war

The sound of a final wish, ringing clear in the air

The sound of truth releasing a wave of despair

The sound of change, playing along a different beat

Forever in symphony, always an extra seat

Riding the wave to tomorrow, grasping the shells of yesterday

It’s sound booming to our hearts, spoken with no words to say