Reivax Camlost

18 September 2017 - The Veil

What is hidden, that is known to be

What is lovely, a vulgarity

Friendship, Suffering, Truth, fiction

Found, Unfound

-What is there to see-

Drops the curtain, roses-high

To be the sun in a blackened sky

The light, that out-shines lies

An artisan of hope, small braveries

And of beauty-places,

Where precious smiles dance on faces,

Keeper of the hidden things

-Veiled, unveiled-

Where is the sun in a blackened sky?

There is no light, to shine on lies

The ‘artisans of hope’, facsimiles;

Dread wardens walk the darkened miles,

Precious shadows masquerade as smiles

light amongst the hidden things