

Don\'t let his words break your pretty little sensitive heart,
Don\'t let how he treats you tear you apart..
For youre worth so much more than someone who doesn\'t see you for who you really are.
Stop looking at him with eyes of star 🌟
Looking at him with love while he looks afar...
You\'d really appreciate it if he called you beautiful more often but he doesn\'t ..
Having him around can hurt but not as bad as if he wasn\'t.
You want him around so desperately yet he threatens to leave you so effortlessly..
You fall for him so relentlessly.
It makes you feel really good when he\'s nice..
it\'s like a form of manipulation;
It\'ll\' make you think twice..
Each day you get more and more attached,
You don\'t know why but you insist on loving him as though he\'s your last..
You love him so much but not how he makes you sad..
Just remember my love:
One day at a time, don\'t take it too fast.
Work more on ignoring the burn,
Through silence are things we can learn..
Remember it\'s not always your fault and there\'s nothing you have to earn ..!



