

I feel like I am drowning.

Drowning in the thickest water I have ever tasted,

Drowning in this stuff that chokes my throat and strangles my lungs.

Starves them of the oxygen they crave.


Every time I try to take a breath all I am left with is a mouth full of inescapable wetness

A void of stuffed airways and cotton-wool mouth.

If I try to call out to you I am met with a wet punch to my face

Bones snapping, shattering, splinting at every knuckles edge.

Unpredictable pain shooting from every crevice in my body.


My voice is drowned by the pressure of the jolting waves,

They are my silencers, monitoring my every word.

Time passes in slow motion as my feet claw at the stones,

Desperate the grip something, anything solid

They are raw and blistered now, and covered in calluses


There is no escape from this infinite turmoil

No tap to twist, no buttons to press.

Just the bitter taste of iron

And water

