
False Hope

She is a quiet person

Stubborn too

Really bad temper

With even worse moods

When she speaks to me 

Shall it only be sometimes

But how amazing

Does joy flow through me

When I see her 

Her  melancholy face

Is the light of my day

Always ignored by her 

For she thinks of only one 

The girl behind me 

Well my sweet flower only cares for her 

Who is she to deserve such smile

Deserving of all of her words 

She has said but a couple to me 

The girl she talks to 

Knows the secrets of my love 

She hears the sweet sound of her voice 

Shall she be blessed with the smile 

She only shows her 

For me 

My love gives me blank stares 

With those I can only be blessed

Blessed with false hope

For shall her heart not be changed