
song for the sleepless

9/23/17 3:18 AM

\"Goodbye Pork Pie Hat\" -Charles Mingus, 1959


Staying up so late it drives me mad

The quiet roll of the earth has never seemed so bad


I haven\'t been partying, and I haven\'t been drinking

but it still feels like I am sinking


Into the earth among the worms

Drinking that caffeine laden drink I knew the terms


To be stuck here slithering

Each rubbing belly another minute of withering


My mind gets no recharge or rest

Cerebral endurance put to the test


These numerous cigarettes burn much too fast

Showing me that not even bad habits can last


The insomniac is never pressed for time

I even managed to shit out this rime


But sitting on this floral throne

I can\'t help but feel alone


Pages of writing and empty beer cans

I don\'t know how much more alertness I can stand


Eventually the sandman will hit me and I\'ll succumb

pass out and wake up deaf, bleary eyed and dumb


My patience is shrinking, my warning lights blinking

I can\'t help but fell the allure of these evil inklings


I don\'t really know what i want form this world

A lover, a friend or someone to make the sheets less cold


Right now I need to sleep

And find some sort of respite before my mind takes a leap


The new day always begins the same

Pour hot coffee and sit on the stoop in shame


I can wait to do all that

Maybe that\'s why my mind is still up a bat


Swing for the fences, they say

\"You\'ll get there someday!\"


I just haven\'t the time, to keep up this rhyme

I\'d rather stay up late and save my last dime


In the night I feel at home

Nose tucked between this empty tome


Truly alone and totally awake

The garbage truck goes by, rattles and quakes


Insomnia in blue melodies

Jazz so lively and heavenly

Relishing these hours so hellishly