
Loves Extinction

To be in love..

How do you even know?

Is it when you look at them and they kind of glow?

The warm feeling in your stomach when you hear thee names.

Is it all the backward playing of games?

Maybe it is the tingles you get when they touch your shoulder.

Or is it that heavy feeling as if one dropped a boulder?


Our generations is so fucked up.

We go through break up after break up.


we think lying and cheating is a way to get around.

Until one of us ends up on the ground.

Love was a beauty

You pictured it to  smell a little fruity

Love is now scary

Wasn\'t the goal to eventually marry?


I am sick and tired of playing these games

I am sick and tired being set up with lames

Is this a problem that only occurs to me

Or is this disease out in the world to be free


Is everyone infected by this disease

im begging you.. just please

Stop letting others control your perspective

What you do is very affective


People have the tendency to follow

People are just very shallow

All it takes is one leader

all it takes is one speeder


This world needs a hero

because right now were ten to zero

I am dangling to my last thread

someone do something before were all dead


This world is so negative and dark

We need just one person to speak up and bark

One person can change it all

so we don\'t have to surround our hearts with a wall


We can let people in

Where do I begin?

We can relearn how to love. 

We wont have to shove.


Love is beautiful when it is the right way

Rather your straight bi or gay

Love left us in a wink

Love as of right now is extinct


But we can fix this mess

To be very bless

To be able to love again

Just like way back than