

I wrote this one in honor of a brother-in-law who has recently passed.  We were close. He was a mobile DJ and we attended

a convention in Las Vegas every year.


When DJ\'s gathered in Vegas,

He could not escape the fame,

For they all knew about Herman,

The golden hearse that had a name.


It was always a part of the discussions,

With each and every trip.

Especially to those who got a ride,

When it journeyed down the strip.


So many who had traveled,

Had made the trip to see,

The hearse that was a legend,

And the one and only Big \"E\".


He became a big attraction,

As they traveled across the land,

Just so they could meet him,

And stop and shake his hand.


The venue has changed a bit,

His music passion\'s just as strong,

But Jesus makes his playlist,

When it\'s time to play a  song.