
My Mentor.

I sit at the table eating dinner,

Looking up from my plate

I see my wonderful wife.

We smile at each other,

Our never-ending love so secure.


I glance above her to the wall,

Hanging there is a picture,

A photograph of a man,

A man for whom my love has no bounds.

He was there when I came into this world,

He was there all the time.

He showed me the world of music,

That world that is embedded in my soul.

He showed me the world of art.

He advised me gently through all our time together.

A gentle man,

And a gentleman,

His voice never raised in anger.

He was with me always

Up until my forty seventh year,

When he left for Heaven’s Concert Hall.


Now over twenty years later

I can still see him looking at me,

Waiting for me to join him,

Join him in that time,

That time when Dad and I will wander,

Wander around the heavenly jazz clubs

And all those concert halls,

Amongst the wonderful music

And great musicians

That thrilled our lives,

And will thrill us for eternity.