
A Writers Life

Driving that Formula 1 racing car

Words coming fast and furious

Imagination set into overdrive

Taking the turns at unimaginable speed


Until I hit the wall!

Instant blank, everything stops

Exhilaration only a distant memory

Forced to deal with the wreckage


Sitting in that little wooden boat

With only a three HP outboard motor

Puttering along, dragging a line

Reeling the words in one by one


Riding a brand-new bicycle

With lots of time to observe

The world around me

Passing by in slow motion


The words arranging themselves

Beautifully and in order

Enjoying that slow ride

Through the country side


Then a welcome change of pace

Flying high above the clouds

A different perspective inducing

Heavenly sentences


Imagination now taking me

Into an abyss full of shadows

Where the dark paints

Words of sorrow and pain


Back in the sunlight

The words soar into the sky

In beautiful lines, mirroring clouds

Loving, tender, and stimulating


A writer’s life is unlike any other

Filled with unimaginable heights

Incredible dark, depressing lows

An exciting life lived on the edge