
Crete\'s Allreet! (written on a pool lounger at the Silva Beach Hotel, Hersonissos, Crete)

The alarm of a foreign squeak,

Coming from still tall trees,

Starts the pleasance of the week,

Where my woes are put at ease,


I do my Phelps impression,

Lapping the cool blue pool, then

Perhaps to beach to play Poseidon,

Thus, my time I very much rule,


After that I’ll become fat,

Delving into Dionysian task,

The wine and steak goes down fast

Nothing much better than that,


Maybe I should stroll into town,

Of ye olde Hersonissos,

Right here I will not be down,

As I have the bra bar and Georgios,


Silva Beach, my loving home,

Such a charming Cretan village,

Acting as base, after a good long roam,

Where I come back to playfully pillage,


Although no plate smashing,

I still enjoy the scene,

Whilst either clumsily lashing,

Or watching those bikinis so serene,


Somewhat bumps and bites,

Are to be expected,

But they will heal in my sight

With laughter and repellent,


The myths of this place I like,

So, excited I am to visit,

The palace where Minos spiked

Those sacrifices, something quite illicit,


Theseus escaped his minotaur,

Creating a powerful story,

Defeating the odds to silence it’s roar,

Overcome malignance, made some glory,


In conclusion, I would recommend,

For you to come to Crete,

As you would not want your time to end,

So, I can safely say, Crete’s Allreet!