
Sand Crabs

Some people are like sand crabs,

Scurrying over the sand, enjoying the sun,

But at the first sign of danger

Hauling it back to the safety of their tunnel,

Cowering in complete darkness

Waiting for the danger to disappear


Others are more like moths

Attracted by the light

Unaware of the danger

Interested only in

Satisfying their desires which

Ultimately might seal their fates


We need to take a hard and critical look

At our own lives and our own decisions

Are we more like sand crabs, or like moths

Do we close our eyes to the beauty of life

Just because we are afraid we might get hurt?

Or do we embrace it fully, completely unafraid?


Knowing when to scurry into the tunnel

And when to soar towards the light

Determines the quality of our life

And the degree of our happiness

Each one of us needs to find his/her own

Balance to live in harmony with our self