
This hurts so much

This hurts so much
I thought you were my happiness
I thought you were faithful
I thought you were my rock
My best friend
I thought the love we had was something that couldn\'t exist
I guess I was wrong
I thought we were only for each other When I needed you the most you were out entertaining other women giving them compliments
You were saying things to them I thought were only ment for me and you
It was only supposed to be us
I know the truth now
I wished I never felt this way
I love you so much
I wanted to be wrong
I wanted you to be just for me
You took me for granite
Now we have to start over
I want this happiness I thought we had
I want it with trust and loyalty
I gave you all of me in every way
For some reason it wasn\'t enough
I was still doing something wrong for you to talk to other women the way you were
You said things I thought were just for me and you
This hurts so much
I talked to other people too but it was always about me and you
When you talk to other people it\'s like I didn\'t even exist
You said that\'s all over now and I\'m your only one
That\'s why this hurts so much