

He pondered why was the motorway empty

during the busy time of day

even the vehicles behind stopped overtaking

coming to a service area pulled in

but nobody was here the place void of life

not even his radio worked now

panic set in it was as though only he existed

into another dimension drifted!


Could see the entrance there was brightness

felt compelled to walk to it

sensed no more fear or doubt as he advanced

focused on the building ahead

that shimmering brought peace deep within

then realised he was no longer alone

smiling a young woman stood on his right side

at each other seemed mystified!


On the busy motorway the carriageway was blocked

emergency crews fighting to release

a young man from his crushed car and on its roof

in the ambulance a twenty something

woman lay unconscious intubated on a drip feed

but heart stopped now unresponsive

paramedics shaken as to her injuries did succumb

as this was not the expected outcome!


The male cut free placed him in a second ambulance

but his vital signs were faint

regrettably his heart to stopped and he was deceased

there had been no other casualties

with a sombre mood amongst all attending crews

the scene was left for investigation

their bodies taken to the hospital pathology department

the paramedics did for them lament!


Neither of them had any recollection of a fatal accident

as together held each others hand

the doors opened they stepped into pure serene light

before them a tunnel and glorious sound

filled with a peace glided in love and untainted delight

their souls freed they were heaven bound!

