
Don’t Postpone Joy

Don’t postpone joy

it lights the soul

a blessing from above

glows like flaming coal

enjoined with love

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

grasp hold of it

every moment burns

a torch of life lit

your spirit spurns

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

enjoy nature walks

the grandchildren

listen your spouse talk

it’s worth a million

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

look at the night sky

look at the stars

giggle, laugh, joke, cry

look at Saturn & Mars

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

let joy bubble up

walk in the park

fill-up your coffee cup

enjoy a blue-lark

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

enjoy a lazy lake

a meandering river

take a fishing break

listen the wind whisper

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

fly a colorful kite

see it in the sky

tail wagging left & right

it goes, goes high

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

tap your inner thoughts

life is happening

make a hard knot

joy keeps burning

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

enjoy the crystal snow

a mist of gentle rain

the rustle wind blow

on a silvery horse’s mane

this the heart enjoys


Don’t postpone joy

use a powerful telescope

explore the distant planets

hang from a bungee rope

play with weird magnets

this the heart enjoys