
My sweet boy

My child Andrew Jace
I rocked you to sleep tonight. The same way I do every night.
I sang you a lullaby, your eyes were heavy as you drifted off to sleepy night.
Just an hour later you started that scared cry. The cry that means I need you momma Come and cuddle me just right. I came in swept you up and I held you tight. You calmed down instantly once you felt my touch that night.
We sat for only a few minutes before your eyes started to slowly close.
You re-situated yourself and turned to me, put your head on my heart and snuggled me so close.
At that moment your eyes locked mine.
I couldn\'t see your whole face but the light lit up your profile.
I sat and stared at every little detail.
From Your little button nose and your big brown eyes to your little rotten grin, and your tiny little toes.
Oh my I am so amazed you\'re the perfect child for me.
I felt your breath upon my chest. I just sat and watched as you got your rest.
As much as I wanted to unwind, and have just a little me time.. I snuggled you just a little longer tonight to love you and simply enjoy our time together.
It seems as though I blinked and you aren\'t any longer that 6 pound 13 ounce baby boy laying on my chest. In fact now you not only fill my arms but you also fill my entire lap and chest. Oh my how fast time flies so fast. Slow down just a little sweet child of mine.