Daniel Myst Edwards

Me and the alien

Me and the alien


When I was out the other day I met an alien

I spotted him late at night when he was on a daily run

He spoke in fluent English and sounded Australian

When he spoke I noticed that he\'d got a long scaly tongue


He looked scary, but was friendly much to my surprise

With a sharp tooth and 10 eyes attached to his antennae

When he walks through the woods he goes beige as a disguise

And shoots birds out the skies with lasers from his eyes


He eats them then he poos out cakes

which look absolutely yum

But I have never tried them

because they came out of his bum


His name is Grellow Bare, he has a mellow stare

On his head he got wisps of some fairly yellow hair

Yellow is his favourite he lives in a yellow lair

Where he eats Jell-o with his friend who\'s a fellow cello player