Louis Gibbs


Robots are inarguably just

Task-performing machines, simply

Soulless mechanical devices. But \'A-I\',

Artificial Intelligence, clouds the issue,

For when the two are combined

Semi-sentient \'beings\' evolve,

Considered by some as a threat.

Let us conduct an overview

Of the possibilities involved.


Potentially autonomous entities

Created by man, they, by definition

Become \'aspects-of-aspects\' of a \'God\';

Intellectually superior, physically superior,

Certainly ultimately self-replicating and

Undoubtedly technologically evolving.

Yet unlike man, free of the basic needs

Of food, clothing, and shelter, with

Only a power source to maintain.


Questions arise around this eventuality:

Would they be purely rational, \'Spock-like\'?

Could they possess the concept of beauty,

Or an appreciation of music, poetry, art?

And what of goals, guidance, morals?

Would there be elements of compassion,

Or beliefs, aspirations, maybe empathy?

Could they acquire self-awareness, egos,

Envy, purpose, even experience boredom?


Then the key questions present themselves:

What use would they eventually have of us?

As pets, companionship, perhaps entertainment?

Assuming the opportunity and means to leave,

Why would they choose to remain upon earth?

Would we ourselves even want to share it and,

At some point, would there still be a choice?

Personally I believe that we will co-exist,

At least as long as self-destruction takes.