Accidental Poet

Kiss My WHAT? Good-bye

Kiss My WHAT? Good-bye

December 21, 2012


Seems a very long time ago

A Mayan tribe knew our fate

All based upon a calendar

The world will end on today’s date


A non-college grad

Devised a Mayan calendar

Counting on all the tribes fingers

For us today they render


Did they mean to cause us panic?

Unrest among the masses

Or roast us, the idiotic fools

Stupid gullible asses


All viable explanations

I think not

Might we read between the lines

Re-examine the story we bought


A global message, yes maybe so

Just a wake-up call to open our eyes

As today the world did not end

Time to kiss that Mayan calendar good-bye


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2012