3 ang3ls din3 with a d3vil
Whil3 th3 shadows danc3
And th3 darkn3ss tak3s
A long, blank, and icy glanc3.
3 days bring us to th3r3
And back again in sil3nc3
As w3 mutilat3 our fl3sh
In compl3t3 indiff3r3nc3.
3 is k3y in this forsak3n r3alm
As injur3d souls dissipat3
The vows of 3t3rnal lov3
To this, lif3\'s foul3st stat3.
3 d3vils f3ast on ang3l wings
At th3 tolling of th3 b3ll.
Th3 wr3tch3d on3s forsak3
Th3ir humanity for this h3ll.